Migration Toolkit command options v55

To control details of the migration, append migration options when you run Migration Toolkit. For example, to migrate all schemas in a database, append the -allSchemas option to the command:

./runMTK.sh -allSchemas

  • The -allSchemas parameter is supported only for the Oracle, EDB Postgres Advanced Server, and PostgreSQL source database. It isn't supported for Sybase, MS SQL Server, and MySQL source databases.
  • Migration Toolkit disables the user-created triggers while migrating the data. However, as PostgreSQL/EDB Postgres Advanced Server doesn't allow disabling inherited child partition triggers using the DISABLE TRIGGER USER clause in ALTER TABLE, the triggers activate during data migration on partition tables, which can cause unexpected results.

The command options that work with Migration Toolkit are grouped by their behavior, as shown in the table.

FeatureRelevant options
Offline migration options-offlineMigration
Import options-sourcedbtype, -targetdbtype, -schemaOnly, -dataOnly
Schema creation options-dropSchema, -targetSchema
Schema object selection options-allTables, -tables, -excludeTables,

-constraints, -ignoreCheckConstFilter,

-skipCKConst, -skipFKConst,


-indexes, -triggers,

-allViews, -views, -excludeViews,

-allSequences, -sequences, -excludeSequences,

-allProcs, -procs, -excludeProcs,

-allFuncs, -funcs, -excludeFuncs,


-allPackages, -packages, -excludePackages,


-allQueues, -queues, -excludeQueues


-allgroups, -groups
Migration options-truncLoad, -enableConstBeforeDataLoad,

-retryCount, -safeMode, -fastCopy,

-analyze, vacuumAnalyze, -replaceNullChar,

-copyDelimiter, -batchSize,

-cpBatchSize, -lobBatchSize,

-fetchSize, -filterProp

-customColTypeMapping, -customColTypeMappingFile
Connection retry options-connRetryCount, -connRetryInterval, -abortOnConnFailure
Oracle-specific options-allUsers, -users,

-allProfiles, -profiles,



-copyViaDBLinkOra, -allDBLinks

-allSynonyms, -allPublicSynonyms, -excludeSynonyms,

-allPrivateSynonyms, -useOraCase,

Miscellaneous options-help, -logDir, -logFileCount, -logFileSize, -logBadSQL -verbose, -version
Migration options for parallel data loading-loaderCount, -parallelLoadRowLimit, -tableLoaderLimit
Specify options in file-optionsFile

If you're using several options for a migration or have to specify a long list of objects for an option, consider using the -optionsFile option to specify the values in a separate text file. See Specifying options using a file for more information.

Offline migration options

If you specify the -offlineMigration option in the command line, Migration Toolkit performs an offline migration. During an offline migration, Migration Toolkit reads the definition of each selected object and creates an SQL script that, when executed later, replicates each object in Postgres.


The following examples invoke Migration Toolkit in Linux. To invoke Migration Toolkit in Windows, use the runMTK.bat command instead of the runMTK.sh command.

To perform an offline migration of both schema and data, specify the ‑offlineMigration keyword, followed by the schema scope:

./runMTK.sh -offlineMigration <schema_scope>

Each database object definition is saved in a separate file with a name derived from each schema name and object type in your home folder. To specify an alternative file destination, include a directory name after the ‑offlineMigration option:

./runMTK.sh -offlineMigration <file_dest> <schema_scope>

To perform an offline migration of only schema objects (creating empty tables), specify the ‑schemaOnly keyword in addition to the ‑offlineMigration keyword when invoking Migration Toolkit:

./runMTK.sh -offlineMigration -schemaOnly <schema_scope>

To perform an offline migration of only data, omitting any schema object definitions, specify the ‑dataOnly keyword and the ‑offlineMigration keyword when invoking Migration Toolkit:

./runMTK.sh -offlineMigration -dataOnly <schema_scope>

By default, data is written in COPY format. To write the data in a plain SQL format, include the ‑safeMode keyword:

./runMTK.sh -offlineMigration -dataOnly -safeMode <schema_scope>

By default, when you perform an offline migration that contains table data, a separate file is created for each table. To create a single file that contains the data from multiple tables, specify the ‑singleDataFile keyword:

./runMTK.sh -offlineMigration -dataOnly -singleDataFile -safeMode <schema_scope>

The -singleDataFile option is available only when migrating data in a plain SQL format. You must include the -safeMode keyword if you include the ‑singleDataFile option.

Executing offline migration scripts

You can use the edb-psql or psql command line to execute the scripts generated during an offline migration. The following example describes restoring a schema (named hr) into a new database (named acctg) stored in EDB Postgres Advanced Server.

  1. Use the createdb command to create the acctg database, into which you'll restore the migrated database objects:

    createdb -U enterprisedb acctg
  2. Connect to the new database with edb-psql:

    edb-psql -U enterprisedb acctg
  3. Use the \i meta-command to invoke the migration script that creates the object definitions:

    acctg=# \i ./mtk_hr_ddl.sql
  4. If the -offlineMigration command included the ‑singleDataFile keyword, the mtk_hr_data.sql script will contain the commands required to re-create all of the objects in the new target database. Populate the database with the command:

    acctg=# \i ./mtk_hr_data.sql

Import options

By default, Migration Toolkit assumes the source database is Oracle and the target database is EDB Postgres Advanced Server. Include the ‑sourcedbtype and -targetdbtype keywords to specify a nondefault source or target database.

By default, Migration Toolkit imports both the data and the object definition when migrating a schema. Alternatively, you can choose to import either the data or the object definitions.

-sourcedbtype <source_type>

The -sourcedbtype option specifies the source database type. For source_type, use one of the following values: mysql, oracle, sqlserver, sybase, postgresql or enterprisedb. source_type isn't case sensitive. By default, source_type is oracle.

-targetdbtype <target_type>

The -targetdbtype option specifies the target database type. For target_type, use one of the following values: enterprisedb, postgres, or postgresql. target_type isn't case sensitive. By default, target_type is enterprisedb.


This option imports the schema definition and creates all selected schema objects in the target database. You can't use this option with the ‑dataOnly option.


This option copies only the data. When used with the -tables option, Migration Toolkit imports data only for the selected tables. You can't use this option with the -schemaOnly option.

Schema creation options

By default, Migration Toolkit imports the source schema objects or data into a schema of the same name. If the target schema doesn't exist, Migration Toolkit creates a schema. Alternatively, you can specify a custom schema name by using the ‑targetSchema option. You can choose to drop the existing schema and create a new schema using the following option:

-dropSchema [true|false]

With this option set to true, Migration Toolkit drops the existing schema and any objects in that schema and creates a new schema. By default, -dropSchema is false.

-targetSchema <schema_name>

Use the -targetSchema option to specify the name of the migrated schema. If you're migrating multiple schemas, specify a name for each schema in a comma-separated list with no intervening space characters. Without the -targetSchema option, the name of the new schema is the same as the name of the source schema.

You can't specify information-schema, dbo, sys, or pg_catalog as target schema names. These schema names are reserved for metadata storage in EDB Postgres Advanced Server.

Schema object selection options

Use the following options to select specific schema objects to migrate.


Import all tables from the source schema.

-tables <table_list>

Import the selected tables from the source schema. table_list is a comma-separated list of table names with no intervening space characters.

For example: -tables emp,dept,acctg

When migrating multiple schemas or all schemas (with the -allSchemas option), the table name must be schema-qualified.

For example: -allSchemas -tables comp_schema.emp,comp_schema.dept,finance_schema.acctg

-excludeTables <table_list>

Exclude the selected tables from migration. The table_list is a comma-separated list of table names with no intervening space characters. This option applies when all tables from a schema are selected for migration using the -allTables option.

For example: -allTables -excludeTables emp,jobhist

When migrating multiple schemas or all schemas (with the -allSchemas option), the excluded table name must be schema-qualified.

For example: -allSchemas -allTables -excludeTables comp_schema.emp,finance_schema.jobhist


Import the table constraints. This option is valid only when importing an entire schema or when you specify the -allTables or -tables <table_list> options.


By default, Migration Toolkit doesn't implement migration of check constraints and default clauses from a Sybase database. To migrate constraints and default clauses from a Sybase database, include the ‑ignoreCheckConstFilter parameter when specifying the -constraints parameter.


Omit the migration of check constraints. This option is useful when migrating check constraints that are based on built-in functions in the source database that aren't supported in the target database.

This option is valid only when importing an entire schema or when the -allTables or -tables <table_list> options are specified.


Omit migrating foreign-key constraints. This option is valid only when importing an entire schema or when the -allTables or -tables <table_list> options are specified.


Omit migrating the column DEFAULT clause.


Import the table indexes. This option is valid when importing an entire schema or when the -allTables or -tables <table_list> option is specified.


Import the table triggers. This option is valid when importing an entire schema or when the allTables or -tables <table_list> option is specified.


Import the views from the source schema. This option migrates dynamic and materialized views from the source. Oracle and Postgres materialized views are supported.

-views <view_list>

Import the specified materialized or dynamic views from the source schema. Oracle and Postgres materialized views are supported. view_list is a comma-separated list of view names with no intervening space characters.

For example: -views all_emp,mgmt_list,acct_list

When migrating multiple schemas or all schemas (with the -allSchemas option), the view name must be schema-qualified.

For example: -allSchemas -views comp_schema.all_emp,comp_schema.mgmt_list,finance_schema.acct_list

-excludeViews <view_list>

Exclude the selected views from migration. The view_list is a comma-separated list of view names with no intervening space characters. This option applies when all views from a schema are selected for migration using the -allViews option.

For example: -allViews -excludeViews all_emp,acct_list

When migrating multiple schemas or all schemas (with the -allSchemas option), the excluded view name must be schema-qualified.

For example: -allSchemas -allViews -excludeViews comp_schema.all_emp,finance_schema.acct_list


Import all sequences from the source schema.

-sequences <sequence_list>

Import the selected sequences from the source schema. <sequence_list> is a comma-separated list of sequence names with no intervening space characters.

For example: -sequences my_sequence,my_sequence_with_increment

When migrating multiple schemas or all schemas (with the -allSchemas option), the sequence name must be schema-qualified.

For example: -allSchemas -sequences comp_schema.my_sequence,finance_schema.my_sequence_with_increment

-excludeSequences <sequence_list>

Exclude selected sequences from the migration. The sequence_list is a comma-separated list of sequence names with no intervening space characters. This option applies when all sequences from a schema are selected for migration using the -allSequences option.

For example: -allSequences -excludeSequences my_sequence,my_sequence_with_increment

When migrating multiple schemas or all schemas (with the -allSchemas option), the excluded sequence name must be schema-qualified.

For example: -allSchemas -allSequences -excludeSequences comp_schema.my_sequence,finance_schema.my_sequence_with_increment


Import all stored procedures from the source schema.

-procs <procedures_list>

Import the selected stored procedures from the source schema. procedures_list is a comma-separated list of procedure names with no intervening space characters.

For example: -procs show_notice,show_custom_notice

When migrating multiple schemas or all schemas (with the -allSchema option), the procedure name must be schema-qualified.

For example: -allSchema -procs comp_schema.show_notice,finance_schema.show_custom_notice

-excludeProcs <procedures_list>

Exclude selected procedures from migration. The procedures_list is a comma-separated list of procedure names with no intervening space characters. This option applies when all procedures from a schema are selected for migration using the -allProcs option.

For example: -allProcs -excludeProcs show_notice,show_custom_notice

When migrating multiple schemas or all schemas (with the -allSchemas option), the excluded procedure name must be schema-qualified.

For example: -allSchemas -allProcs -excludeProcs comp_schema.show_notice,finance_schema.show_custom_notice


Import all functions from the source schema.

-funcs <function_list>

Import the selected functions from the source schema. function_list is a comma-separated list of function names with no intervening space characters.

For example: -funcs calculate_average_salary,add_two_numbers

When migrating multiple schemas or all schemas (with the -allSchemas option), the function name must be schema-qualified.

For example: -allSchemas -funcs comp_schema.calculate_average_salary,finance_schema.add_two_numbers

-excludeFuncs <function_list>

Exclude selected functions from migration. The function_list is a comma-separated list of function names with no intervening space characters. This option applies when all functions from a schema are selected for migration using the -allFuncs option.

For example: -allFuncs -excludeFuncs calculate_average_salary,add_two_numbers

When migrating multiple schemas or all schemas (with the -allSchemas option), the excluded function name must be schema-qualified.

For example: -allSchemas -allFuncs -excludeFuncs comp_schema.calculate_average_salary,finance_schema.add_two_numbers

-checkFunctionBodies [true/false]

When false, disables validation of the function body during function creation. Disabling this validation avoids errors if the function contains forward references. The default value is true.


Import all packages from the source schema.

-packages <package_list>

Import the selected packages from the source schema. package_list is a comma-separated list of package names with no intervening space characters.

For example: -packages my_package1, mypackage2

When migrating multiple schemas or all schemas (with the -allSchemas option), the package name must be schema-qualified.

For example: -allSchemas -packages comp_schema.my_package1,finance_schema.mypackage2

-excludePackages <package_list>

Exclude selected packages from migration. The package_list is a comma-separated list of package names with no intervening space characters. This option applies when all packages from a schema are selected for migration using the -allPackages option.

Example: -allPackages -excludePackages my_package1, mypackage2

When migrating multiple schemas or all schemas (with the -allSchemas option), the excluded package name must be schema-qualified.

For example: -allSchemas -allPackages -excludePackages comp_schema.my_package1,finance_schema.mypackage2


Import all domain, enumeration, and composite types from the source database. This option is valid only when both the source and target are stored on a Postgres host.


Import all queues from the source schema. These are queues created and managed by the DBMS_AQ and DBMS_AQADM built-in packages. When Oracle is the source database, you must also specify the -objectTypes option. When EDB Postgres Advanced Server is the source database, you must also specify the -allDomains and -allTables options. Oracle and EDB Postgres Advanced Server queues are supported.

-queues <queue_list>

Import the selected queues from the source schema. queue_list is a comma-separated list of queue names with no intervening space characters. These are queues created and managed by the DBMS_AQ and DBMS_AQADM built-in packages. When Oracle is the source database, you must also specify the -objectTypes. When EDB Postgres Advanced Server is the source database, you must also specify -allDomains and -allTables. Oracle and EDB Postgres Advanced Server queues are supported.

-excludeQueues <queue_list>

Exclude selected queues from migration. The queue_list is a comma-separated list of queue names with no intervening space characters. This option applies when all queues from a schema are selected for migration using the -allQueues option.

Example: -allQueues -excludeQueues EMP_QUEUE1,EMP_QUEUE2


Import all rules from the source database. This option is valid only when both the source and target are stored on a Postgres host.


Import all groups from the source database.

-groups <group_list>

The selected groups from the source database. The <group_list> is a comma-separated list of group names e.g. -groups acct_emp,mkt_emp.

Migration options

Use the migration options to control the details of the migration process.


Truncate the data from the table before importing new data. Use this option with the -dataOnly option.


Include the -enableConstBeforeDataLoad option if a nonpartitioned source table is mapped to a partitioned table. This option enables all triggers on the target table, including any triggers that redirect data to individual partitions, before the data migration. -enableConstBeforeDataLoad is valid only if you also specify the -truncLoad parameter.

-retryCount [<value>]

If you're performing a multiple-schema migration, objects that fail to migrate during the first migration attempt due to cross-schema dependencies might successfully migrate during a later migration. Use the -retryCount option to specify the number of attempts for Migration Toolkit to make to migrate an object that failed during an initial migration attempt. Specify a value greater than 0. The default value is 2.


If you include the -safeMode option, Migration Toolkit commits each row as migrated. If the migration fails to transfer all records, rows inserted prior to the point of failure remain in the target database.


Including the -fastCopy option specifies for Migration Toolkit to bypass WAL logging to perform the COPY operation in an optimized way. It is disabled by default. If you choose to use the -fastCopy option, you might not be able to recover the migrated data in the target database if the migration is interrupted.

-replaceNullChar <value>

The Migration Toolkit supports importing a column with a value of NULL. However, the Migration Toolkit doesn't support importing NULL character values (embedded binary zeros 0x00) with the JDBC connection protocol. If you're importing data that includes the NULL character, use the -replaceNullChar option to replace the NULL character with a single, non-NULL replacement character. Don't enclose the replacement character in quotes or apostrophes.

Once the data is migrated, use a SQL statement to replace the character specified by -replaceNullChar with binary zeros.


Include the -analyze option to invoke the Postgres ANALYZE operation against a target database. The optimizer consults the statistics collected by the ANALYZE operation, using the information to construct efficient query plans.


Include the -vacuumAnalyze option to invoke both the VACUUM and ANALYZE operations against a target database. The optimizer consults the statistics collected by the ANALYZE operation, using the information to construct efficient query plans. The VACUUM operation reclaims any storage space occupied by dead tuples in the target database.


Specify a single character to use as a delimiter in the COPY command when loading table data. The default value is '\t' (tab).


Specify the batch size of bulk inserts. Valid values are 1 to 1000. The default batch size is 1000. Reduce the value of -batchSize if Out of Memory exceptions occur.


Specify the batch size in MB to use in the COPY command. Any value greater than 0 is valid. The default batch size is 8MB.


Specify the number of rows to load in a batch for LOB data types. The data migration for a table containing a large object type (LOB) column, such as BYTEA, BLOB, or CLOB, is performed one row at a time by default. This is to avoid an out-of-heap-space error in case an individual LOB column holds hundreds of megabytes of data. In case the LOB column average data size is at a lower end, you can customize the LOB batch size by specifying the number of rows in each batch with any value greater than 0.


Use the -fetchSize option to specify the number of rows fetched in a result set. If the designated -fetchSize is too large, you might encounter Out of Memory exceptions. Include the -fetchSize option to avoid this pitfall when migrating large tables. The default fetch size is specific to the JDBC driver implementation and varies by database.

MySQL users note: By default, the MySQL JDBC driver fetches all of the rows in a table into the Migration Toolkit in a single network round trip. This behavior can easily exceed available memory for large tables. If you encounter an out-of-heap-space error, specify -fetchSize 1 as a command line argument to force Migration Toolkit to load the table data one row at a time.

-filterProp <file_name>

<file_name> specifies the name of a file that contains constraints in key=value pairs. Each record read from the database is evaluated against the constraints. Those that satisfy the constraints are migrated.

The left side of the pair lists a table name:

  • The table name must not be schema qualified.
  • Oracle table names aren't case sensitive, but Oracle defaults to uppercase. Postgres, on the other hand, defaults to lowercase. When migrating Oracle data, ensure the case you're using matches the case in Oracle. Otherwise, Migration Toolkit can't match it and ignores the constraint.

The right side specifies a condition that must be true for each row migrated.

For example, this code migrates only those countries with a COUNTRY_ID value that isn't equal to AR:


This constraint applies to the COUNTRIES table.

You can also specify conditions for multiple tables. However, the condition for each table must be on a new line in the property file.


The following entries in the properties file migrate only the relevant data from EMPLOYEES and the DEPARTMENTS tables:



-customColTypeMapping <column_list>

Use custom type mapping to change the data type of migrated columns. The left side of each pair specifies the columns with a regular expression. The right side of each pair names the data type for that column to assume. You can include multiple pairs in a semi-colon-separated list for <column_list>. For example, to map any column whose name ends in ID to type INTEGER, use the following custom mapping entry:


Custom mapping is applied to all table columns that match the criteria unless the column is table qualified.

The '\\' characters act as an escape string. Since '.' is a reserved character in regular expressions, on Linux use '\\.' to represent the '.' character. For example, to use custom mapping to select rows from the EMP_ID column in the EMP table, specify the following custom mapping entry:


On Windows, use '\.' to represent the '.' character:


Alternatively, you can include multiple custom type mappings in a <property_file>:

-customColTypeMappingFile <property_file>

Specify each entry in the file on a separate line in a key=value pair. The left side of each pair selects the columns with a regular expression. The right side of each pair names the data type for that column to assume. When used in the <property_file>, the '\\' characters act as an escape string in any operating system.

Connection retry options

Whenever there's a connection failure with the target database during a data migration, Migration Tookit attempts to reconnect to the target database to ensure the migration completes without skipping any tables. When the connection is reestablished, Migration Toolkit restarts or resumes the data copy for the table that was being migrated when the connection was lost. It then performs the data copy for the remaining tables.

Migration Toolkit resumes the migration based on the mode that it was using to migrate the data:

  • If Migration Toolkit was using Copy API to migrate the data, it continues copying data from the last failed row. Copy API is compatible with PostgreSQL and EDB Postgres Advanced Server as target databases.

  • In other data migration modes, Migration Toolkit truncates the data on the target table and recopies the entire failed table.

Scope and limitations

Database scope: The connection retry capability allows Migration Toolkit to reconnect to the target database. Retry attempts for issues with the source database aren't supported.

Migration scope: This capability allows Migration Toolkit to retry migrating data. Retry attempts for issues with the schema migration aren't supported.

Modality scope: This reconnection capability is available with the data migration mode (-dataOnly). It's also available when you run a migration without specifying either the -dataOnly or -schemaOnly options.

You can specify several connection retry options:

-connRetryCount [<connection_attempts>]

Use the -connRetryCount option to specify the number of retry attempts to perform if the target database connection fails. The [<connection_attempts>] value must be a number between 0 and 50. The default is 3 retry attempts.

Since the retry applies to the migration of data, it isn't compatible with the -schemaOnly option.


./runMTK.sh -connRetryCount 2 -dataOnly -tables dept,emp,jobhist public

-connRetryInterval [<seconds>]

Use the -connRetryInterval option to specify the seconds to wait before each subsequent reconnection attempt if the target database connection fails. The [<seconds>] value must be a number between 0 and 900. The default is 30 seconds.

Since the retry applies to the migration of data, it isn't compatible with the -schemaOnly option.


./runMTK.sh -connRetryCount 2 -connRetryInterval 50 -dataOnly -tables dept,emp,jobhist public

-abortConnOnFailure [true/false]`

Specify whether to abort the migration if all the reconnection attempts failed.

To skip migrating the failed table and proceed to the next table, set the -abortConnOnFailure to false. The default is true, which aborts the session if the connection fails after the specified -connRetryCount threshold.

Since the retry applies to the migration of data, it isn't compatible with the -schemaOnly option.


./runMTK.sh -connRetryCount 2 -connRetryInterval 50 -abortConnOnFailure false -dataOnly -tables dept,emp,jobhist public

-pgIdleTxSessionTimeOut [<seconds>]

Specify the PostgreSQL or EDB Postgres Advanced Server idle_in_transaction_session_timeout, which defines the time after which the database terminates the session when a migration transaction is in idle state. [<seconds>] is a value greater than 0. The default is 180 seconds.


runMTK.sh -connRetryCount 2 -connRetryInterval 50 -pgIdleTxSessionTimeOut 90 -dataOnly -tables dept,emp,jobhist public

Migration options for parallel data loading

When dealing with a relatively large number of tables or large tables, normal data migration takes a long time. As a solution to this problem, Migration Toolkit has a parallel data loading algorithm that allows migrating data in parallel at the schema level and at the table level.

Parallel data migration at the schema level uses multiple threads to migrate several tables at the same time. Parallel data loading at the table level uses multiple threads to migrate a single table from the source database to the target database more efficiently and in a shorter time.

  • Parallel loading is useful only for large tables. For small tables, parallel threads might take more time. Thus we recommend using parallel data loading at the table level for relatively large tables.

  • Parallel data loading doesn't apply to tables without a primary/unique key.

  • You can't use thefastCopy parameter with parallel data loading.

  • Parallel loading functionality applies only to the source Oracle, EDB Postgres Advanced Server, and PostgreSQL databases.

Migrations from Oracle databases

Because parallel data loading uses Oracle Flashback queries to perform data loading, ensure the user performing the migration has FLASHBACK and READ / SELECT privileges to the table objects to migrate. To allow queries on all tables, grant the FLASHBACK ANY TABLE privilege.

The following options control the way MTK migrates data in parallel.

-loaderCount [<value>]

Use the -loaderCount option to specify the number of parallel threads available in the pool to perform data load in parallel. This option is particularly useful if the host system that's running Migration Toolkit has high-end CPU and RAM resources. While value can be any nonzero, positive number, we recommend that value not exceed the number of CPU cores. For example, a dual-core CPU has an optimal value of 2. The default is 1.

The number of table-level threads can introduce overhead on the source database server depending on the table size and certain memory configurations, like shared_buffers and work_mem (memory configuration should be set to optimal values for the database server). It is recommended that for very large tables you try the lower -loaderCount option value, according to the total cores available on the machine, to calculate the optimal -loaderCount value.


When multiple threads are used, depending on the actual number of threads and table data size, you might need to adjust the memory heap size for the Migration Toolkit.

-parallelLoadRowLimit [<value>]

Use the -parallelLoadRowLimit option to specify the minimum number of rows required in a table to perform data load in parallel at the table level. The <value> parameter must be greater than 0. The default is 100,000.

For example, if the value of -parallelLoadRowLimit is 10,000, only tables with the number of rows 10,000 and greater are loaded in parallel at the table level. The other tables migrate in sequential mode or at the schema level.

-tableLoaderLimit [<value>]

Use the -tableLoaderLimit option to specify the maximum number of threads to assign from the thread pool to load a single table data in parallel chunks at the table level. The <value> parameter must not be greater than the value of -loaderCount. The default value is equal to the value of the -loaderCount option. This option is implicitly changed based on the nondefault custom value of -loaderCount.

For example, if the -loaderCount is set to 4 and -tableLoaderLimit isn't specified, the -tableLoaderLimit is also set to 4. Hence, if all threads aren't meant to be used for a single table load, reduce the -tableLoaderLimit to a lower value.

High-level overview of the parallel data-loading algorithm

The algorithm works in three steps:

  1. A list of tables and table chunks is created from the ordered list of tables to migrate, sorted by the table name. The list is created based on the -parallelLoadRowLimit and -tableLoaderLimit option values.

  2. A thread pool is created based on the -loaderCount option value.

  3. The parallel data-loading algorithm creates tasks for each table/chunk from the list of tables and table chunks and executes them in the thread pool. As many tasks as the number of threads are executed in parallel. As soon as a task execution completes, its thread starts executing the next task from the list. Parallel data loading completes as soon as the last task from the list completes.


In this scenario, migrate four tablestab1, tab2, tab3, tab4with parallel data loading:

./runMTK.sh -sourcedbtype enterprisedb -targetdbtype enterprisedb -loaderCount 4 -parallelLoadRowLimit 10000 -tableLoaderLimit 2 -tables tab1,tab2,tab3,tab4 public

Table tab1 has 50,000 rows, table tab2 has 9,500 rows, table tab3 has 50,001 rows and table tab4 has 9,999 rows. The list of tables for step 1 is tab1, tab2, tab3, and tab4.

Only tables tab1 and tab3 qualify for parallel loading on table level (-parallelLoadRowLimit 10000).

Since the value of the -tableLoaderLimit option is 2, table tab1 is loaded in two chunks, tab1_chunk1 and tab1_chunk2. The number of rows in each chunk is determined based on the totalRowCount/tableLoaderLimit. In this case, both chunks have 25,000 rows (50,000/2).

Table tab3 is also loaded in two chunks, tab3_chunk1 and tab3_chunk2. As the total number of rows in table tab3 is odd (50,001), the first chunk accommodates an additional row, so tab3_chunk1 has 25,001 rows, and tab3_chunk2 has 25,000 rows.

Here's the list of tables and table chunks created:

tab1_chunk1 		    (25,000 rows)
tab1_chunk2 		    (25,000 rows)
tab2	    		    (9500 rows)
tab3_chunk1	    	    (25,001 rows)
tab3_chunk2	    	    (25,000 rows)
tab4		    	    (9999 rows)

Thread pool with the four threads T1, T2, T3, T4 is created.

Tasks migrating tables/chunks from the list created in step 1 are executed in the thread pool:

T1 → tab1_chunk1		(25,000 rows)
T2 → tab1_chunk2		(25,000 rows)
T3 → tab2			    (9500 rows)
T4 → tab3_chunk1		(25,001 rows)

Thread T3 finishes first and starts executing tab3_chunk2, the next chunk in the list:

T1 → tab1_chunk1		(25,000 rows)
T2 → tab1_chunk2		(25,000 rows)
T3 → tab3_chunk2		(25,000 rows)
T4 → tab3_chunk1		(25,001 rows)

Thread T1 finishes second and starts executing tab4:

T1 → tab4			    (9999 rows)
T2 → tab1_chunk2		(25,000 rows)
T3 → tab3_chunk2		(25,000 rows)
T4 → tab3_chunk1		(25,001 rows)

This way, four threads are used to migrate four tables in parallel at the mixed-schema and table level.

If you change command options to set -tableLoaderLimit to 1, you can have pure schema-level parallelism:

./runMTK.sh -sourcedbtype enterprisedb -targetdbtype enterprisedb -loaderCount 4 -parallelLoadRowLimit 10000 -tableLoaderLimit 1 -tables tab1,tab2,tab3,tab4 public

Each table is processed simultaneously in one thread:

T1 → tab1	(50,000 rows)
T2 → tab2	(9500 rows)
T3 → tab3 	(50,001 rows)
T4 → tab4	(9999 rows)

System resource recommendations and constraints

Choose the number of threads depending on the CPU and RAM resources available on the host system running Migration Toolkit. As there's a certain overhead on the source database in terms of CPU, IO, and disk use, exceeding parallel thread count beyond a certain threshold degrades Migration Toolkit performance.

Oracle-specific options

The following options apply only when the source database is Oracle.


Import the user-defined object types from the schema list specified at the end of the runMTK.sh command.


Import all users and roles from the source database. The ‑allUsers option is supported only when migrating from an Oracle database to an EDB Postgres Advanced Server database.

-users <user_list>

Import the selected users or roles from the source Oracle database. <user_list> is a comma-separated list of user/role names with no intervening space characters (e.g., -users MTK, SAMPLE, acctg). The -users option is supported only when migrating from an Oracle database to an EDB Postgres Advanced Server database.


Import all custom (that is, user-created) profiles from the source database. Other Oracle noncustom profiles such as DEFAULT and MONITORING_PROFILE aren't imported.

For the imported profiles, only the following password parameters associated with the profiles are imported:








All other profile parameters, such as the Oracle resource parameters, aren't imported. The Oracle database user specified by SRC_DB_USER must have SELECT privilege on the Oracle data dictionary view DBA_PROFILES.


The ‑allProfiles option is supported only when migrating from an Oracle database to an EDB Postgres Advanced Server database.

-profiles <profile_list>

Import the selected, custom (that is, user-created) profiles from the source Oracle database. profile_list is a comma-separated list of profile names with no intervening space characters (e.g., -profiles ADMIN_PROFILE,USER_PROFILE). Oracle noncustom profiles such as DEFAULT and MONITORING_PROFILE aren't imported.

As with the -allProfiles option, only the password parameters are imported. The Oracle database user specified by SRC_DB_USER must have SELECT privilege on the Oracle data dictionary view DBA_PROFILES.


The -profiles option is supported only when migrating from an Oracle database to an EDB Postgres Advanced Server database.

-importPartitionAsTable <table_list>

Include the -importPartitionAsTable parameter to import the contents of a partitioned table that resides on an Oracle host into a single nonpartitioned table. table_list is a comma-separated list of table names with no intervening space characters (for example, -importPartitionAsTable emp,dept,acctg).


The dblink_ora module provides EDB Postgres Advanced Server-to-Oracle connectivity at the SQL level. dblink_ora is bundled and installed as part of the EDB Postgres Advanced Server database installation. dblink_ora uses the COPY API method to transfer data between databases. This method is considerably faster than the JDBC COPY method.

This example uses the dblink_ora COPY API to migrate all tables from the HR schema:

./runMTK.sh -copyViaDBLinkOra -allTables HR

The target EDB Postgres Advanced Server database must have dblink_ora installed and configured. See dblink_ora.

Choose this option to migrate Oracle database links. The password information for each link connection in the source database is encrypted so, unless specified, the dummy password edb is substituted.

To migrate all database links using edb as the dummy password for the connected user:

./runMTK.sh -allDBLinks HR

You can alternatively specify the password for each of the database links through a comma-separated list of name=value pairs with no intervening space characters. Specify the link name on the left side of the pair and the password value on the right side.

To migrate all database links with the actual passwords specified on the command line:

./runMTK.sh -allDBLinks LINK_NAME1=abc,LINK_NAME2=xyz HR

Migration Toolkit migrates only the database link types that are currently supported by EnterpriseDB. These types include fixed user links of public and private type.


Include the -allSynonyms option to migrate all public and private synonyms from an Oracle database to an EDB Postgres Advanced Server database. If a synonym with the same name already exists in the target database, the existing synonym is replaced with the migrated version.


Include the -allPublicSynonyms option to migrate all public synonyms from an Oracle database to an EDB Postgres Advanced Server database. If a synonym with the same name already exists in the target database, the existing synonym is replaced with the migrated version.

-excludeSynonyms <synonym_list>

Exclude selected synonyms from migration. The synonym_list is a comma-separated list of synonym names with no intervening space characters. This option applies when all synonyms from a schema are selected for migration using the -allSynonyms option.

Example: -allSynonyms -excludeSynonyms SYNEMP1,SYNEMP2


Include the -allPrivateSynonyms option to migrate all private synonyms from an Oracle database to an EDB Postgres Advanced Server database. If a synonym with the same name already exists in the target database, the existing synonym is replaced with the migrated version.


Include the -useOraCase option to preserve the Oracle default, uppercase naming convention for all database objects when migrating from an Oracle database to an EDB Postgres Advanced Server database.

The uppercase naming convention is preserved for tables, views, sequences, procedures, functions, triggers, packages, and so on. For these database objects, the uppercase naming convention applies to:

  • The names of the database objects
  • The column names, key names, index names, constraint names, and so on, of the tables and views
  • The SELECT column list for a view
  • The parameter names that are part of the procedure or function header

In the procedural code body of a procedure, function, trigger, or package, you might have to manually edit identifier references for the program to execute without an error. Such corrections are in regard to the proper case conversion of identifier references that might have occurred.


When you specify the -useOraCase option, you might need to specify the -skipUserSchemaCreation option as well. For information, see the description of the -skipUserSchemaCreation option.

The default behavior of the Migration Toolkit without the -useOraCase option is that database object names are extracted from Oracle without enclosing quotation marks unless the database object was explicitly created in Oracle with enclosing quotation marks. The following is a portion of a table command generated by the Migration Toolkit with the -offlineMigration option:

    LOC VARCHAR2(13)

When you then migrate this table and create it in EDB Postgres Advanced Server, all unquoted object names are converted to lowercase letters, so the table appears in EDB Postgres Advanced Server as follows:

Table "edb.dept"
Column  | Type                  | Modifiers
deptno  | numeric(2,0)          | not null
dname   | character varying(14) |
loc     | character varying(13) |
    "dept_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (deptno)
    "dept_dname_uq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (dname)

If your EDB Postgres Advanced Server applications are referencing the migrated database objects using quoted uppercase identifiers, the applications fail since the database object names are now in lower case:

usepostcase=# SELECT * FROM "DEPT";
ERROR: relation "DEPT" does not exist

If your application uses quoted uppercase identifiers, perform the migration with the -useOraCase option. The DDL encloses all database object names in quotes:

    "DNAME" VARCHAR2(14),
    "LOC" VARCHAR2(13)

When you then migrate this table and create it in EDB Postgres Advanced Server, all object names are maintained in uppercase letters, so the table appears in EDB Postgres Advanced Server as follows:

Table "EDB.DEPT"
Column  | Type                  | Modifiers
DEPTNO  | numeric(2,0)          | not null
DNAME   | character varying(14) |
LOC     | character varying(13) |

Applications can then access the object using quoted uppercase names:

useoracase=# SELECT * FROM "DEPT";
20      | RESEARCH   | DALLAS
30      | SALES      | CHICAGO
(4 rows)


When an Oracle user is migrated, a role (that is, a user name) is created in the target database server for the Oracle user if the role doesn't already exist. The role name is created in lowercase letters. When a new role is created, a schema with the same name is also created in lowercase letters.

Specifying the -skipUserSchemaCreation option prevents the automatic schema creation for a migrated Oracle user name. This option is particularly useful when the -useOraCase option is specified to prevent creating two schemas with the same name where only the case is different. Specifying the -useOraCase option results in creating a schema in the Oracle naming convention of uppercase letters for the source schema specified following the options list when Migration Toolkit is invoked.

Thus, if the -useOraCase option is specified without the -skipUserSchemaCreation option, the target database results in having two identically named schemas with one in lowercase letters and the other in uppercase letters. If the -useOraCase option is specified along with the -skipUserSchemaCreation option, the target database has only the schema in uppercase letters.

Miscellaneous options

Use these migration options to view Migration Toolkit help and version information. You can also use these options to control Migration Toolkit feedback and logging options.


Display the application command-line usage information.

-logDir <log_path>

Include this option to specify where to write the log files. <log_path> is the location for saving log files. By default, on Linux log files are written to:


On Windows, the log files are saved to:


-logFileCount <file_count>

Include this option to specify the number of files used in log file rotation. Specify a value of 0 to disable log file rotation and create a single log file. This file is truncated when it reaches the value specified using the logFileSize option. <file_count> must be greater than or equal to 0. The default is 20.

-logFileSize <file_size>

Include this option to specify the maximum file size limit in MB before rotating to a new log file. file_size must be greater than 0. The default is 50.


Include this option to save the schema definition (DDL script) of any failed objects to a file. The file is saved under the same path used for the error logs and is named in the format:


Where schema_name is the name of the schema and timestamp is the timestamp of the Migration Toolkit run.

-verbose [on|off]

Display application log messages on standard output. By default, verbose is on.


Display the Migration Toolkit version.


This example performs a migration from Oracle to EDB Postgres Advanced Server.

The following is the content of the toolkit.properties file:



The following command invokes Migration Toolkit:

./runMTK.sh EDB
Running EnterpriseDB Migration Toolkit (Build 48.0.0) ...
Source database connectivity info...
conn =jdbc:oracle:thin:@
user =edb
Target database connectivity info...
conn =jdbc:edb://localhost:5444/edb
user =enterprisedb
Connecting with source Oracle database server...
Connected to Oracle, version 'Oracle Database 10g Express Edition
Release - Production'
Connecting with target EnterpriseDB database server...
Connected to EnterpriseDB, version ''
Importing redwood schema EDB...
Creating Schema...edb
Creating Sequence: NEXT_EMPNO
Creating Tables...
Creating Table: BAD_TABLE
MTK-15013: Error Creating Table BAD_TABLE
DB-42704: ERROR: type "binary_double" does not exist at position 58
-- ^
Creating Table: DEPT
Creating Table: EMP
Creating Table: JOBHIST
Creating Table: "MixedCase"
Creating Table: "lowercase"
Created 5 tables.
Loading Table Data in 8 MB batches...
Loading Table: DEPT ...
[DEPT] Migrated 4 rows.
[DEPT] Table Data Load Summary: Total Time(s): 0.147 Total Rows: 4
Loading Table: EMP ...
[EMP] Migrated 14 rows.
[EMP] Table Data Load Summary: Total Time(s): 0.077 Total Rows: 14
Loading Table: JOBHIST ...
[JOBHIST] Migrated 17 rows.
[JOBHIST] Table Data Load Summary: Total Time(s): 0.042 Total Rows: 17
Total Size(MB): 9.765625E-4
Loading Table: "MixedCase" ...
["MixedCase"] Table Data Load Summary: Total Time(s): 0.098 Total Rows:0
Loading Table: "lowercase" ...
["lowercase"] Table Data Load Summary: Total Time(s): 0.066 Total Rows:0
Data Load Summary: Total Time (sec): 0.806 Total Rows: 35 Total
Size(MB): 0.001
Creating Constraint: DEPT_PK
Creating Constraint: DEPT_DNAME_UQ
Creating Constraint: EMP_PK
Creating Constraint: JOBHIST_PK
Creating Constraint: SYS_C008958
MTK-15001: Error Creating Constraint SYS_C008958
DB-42P01: com.edb.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "bad_table" does
not exist
Creating Constraint: EMP_REF_DEPT_FK
Creating Constraint: EMP_SAL_CK
Creating Constraint: JOBHIST_REF_DEPT_FK
Creating Constraint: JOBHIST_REF_EMP_FK
Creating Constraint: JOBHIST_DATE_CHK
Creating Trigger: USER_AUDIT_TRIG
Creating Trigger: EMP_SAL_TRIG
MTK-13009:Warning! Skipping migration of trigger DROP_TRIGGER, currently
non-table triggers are not supported in target database.
Creating View: SALESEMP
Creating Function: EMP_COMP
Creating Package: EMP_ADMIN
MTK-16005:Package Body is Invalid, Skipping...
Schema EDB imported with errors.
MTK-12001: The user/role migration failed due to insufficient
Grant the user SELECT privilege on the following Oracle catalogs:
One or more schema objects could not be imported during the migration
process. Please review the migration output for more details.
Migration logs have been saved to
******************** Migration Summary ********************
Sequences: 1 out of 1
Tables: 5 out of 6
Constraints: 9 out of 10
Triggers: 2 out of 3 (skipped 1)
Views: 1 out of 1
Functions: 1 out of 1
Packages: 1 out of 1
Total objects: 30
Successful count: 20
Failed count: 2
Skipped count: 1
Invalid count: 7
List of failed objects
List of invalid objects

Skipped and unsupported database objects are omitted. The migration information is summarized in the Migration Summary at the end of the run.